Victoria is the founder of Vita Epidermology Center. She graduated medical university in Europe and had a successful career in medicine for more than 10 years. She has always been passionate about natural skin therapies and rejuvination. Having had sensitive skin herself for years, she tried countless topical prescriptions without much success. She was determined to find something that would help alleviate her sensitivy. She started noticing a pattern. Her skin would react to certain foods she ate and cosmetics she used. It was then that Victoria realized that healthy skin is determined by both our external and internal environments. In 2018, Victoria went to Paris to study Epidermology. It is a unique and natural skin science which helps create harmony between skin’s external and internal environments. This is the principle of all skin therapies at Vita Epidermology Center.

Beauty is beyond the skin. There are important structures underneath and surrounding the skin such as muscles, ligaments and connective tissue. They all  require our attention and support. To achieve this, we incorporate advanced facial massage techniques into our facials such as Buccal and Sculptural. This comprehensive approach provides the best natural support to our skin.

We incorporate individually-tailored approach to skincare. To us, each guest is an individual, and each treatment a highly personal affair. We are dedicated to helping our clients achieve a harmonious and fulfilling relationship with their skin. One that helps them look and feel fabulous inside and out.